



  • 作者:IVDSHOW
  • 来源:IVDSHOW
  • 发布时间:2022-05-13 14:56
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  • 分类:公司新闻
  • 作者:IVDSHOW
  • 来源:IVDSHOW
  • 发布时间:2022-05-13 14:56
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应用全称 英文简称 中文说明 应用描述
Activation Activ 活性 Induction of a cellular active state from a normal resting state.
Agonist Agonist 激动剂 Use of a cell-surface targeted antibody to activate a biological response. The response can be either positive or negative depending on the function of the targeted protein.
Apoptosis Apop 细胞凋亡 A process of programmed cell death.
Bioassay BA 生物鉴定 Use of a recombinant protein to induce a biological response.
Blocking Block 阻塞 Use of a cell-surface targeted antibody to block a biological response.
Cell Culture Cell Culture 细胞培养 Any reagent, protein, or solution suitable for use in cell culture.
Cell Screening Cell Screening 细胞筛选 Characterization and determination of the immunophenotype of a cell population.
Cell Separation Separation 细胞分离 Separation of a defined cell population using magnetic nanoparticles either by positive or negative selection.
Cell Separation by Negative Selection Cell Sep – Neg 通过阴性选择细胞分离 Separation of a defined cell population using magnetic nanoparticles by negative selection, also called depletion.
Cell Separation by Positive Selection Cell Sep – Pos 通过阳性选择细胞分离 Separation of a defined cell population using magnetic nanoparticles by positive selection.
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation ChIP 染色质免疫沉淀反应 Use of an antibody to precipitate a protein-DNA complex in order to determine protein binding sites on DNA.
Complement Mediated Cell Depletion CMCD 补体介导的细胞损耗 Use of an antibody to target cells for complement-mediated cell lysis.
Costimulation Costim 共同刺激 Enhancement of a primary stimulatory signal by targeting a different molecule.
Cytotoxicity Cyt 细胞毒性 Use an antibody to trigger a cytotoxic cellular response that is not apoptotic.
Depletion Depletion 消耗 In vivo, refers to injection of antibody to deplete targeted cell types. In vitro, refers to addition of an antibody in culture to deplete target cells.
Direct Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Direct ELISA 直接酶联免疫分析 Antibody is conjugated to a detection enzyme to bind the plate-immobilized target antigen.
Electron Microscopy EM 电子显微镜 Transmission electron microscopy is a microscopy technique that detects the scatter of electrons through a thin specimen, providing higher resolution images than other microscopy techniques.
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ELISA 酶联免疫分析 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
 Kits include: Pre-coated plates, detection antibody, recombinant standards, avidin-HRP, and all the required buffers.
ELISA sets include: ELISA Plates, Capture and detection antibodies, recombinant standards, avidin-HRP, assay diluents, coating buffer, TMB substrate.
ELISA Standard sets include:  Capture and detection antibodies, recombinant standards, and avidin-HRP.
ELISPOT ELISPOT 酶联免疫吸附斑点 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Spot
Functional Assay FA 功能分析 Use of a cell-surface targeted antibody to induce, modify, or block a biological response. Can also be applied to the use of a product to measure a functional activity within a cell.
Flow Cytometry FC 流式细胞 Flow cytometric analysis of antibody surface-stained cells.
Intracellular Staining for Flow Cytometry ICFC 基于流式细胞内部染色 Flow cytometric analysis of intracellularly-stained cells.
Immunocytochemistry ICC 免疫细胞化学 Immunocytochemistry is a technique used to assess the presence of a specific protein or antigen in cells (cultured cells, cell suspensions) by use of specific antibodies, thereby allowing visualization and examination under a microscope. The readout can be colorimetric using chromogen substrate or fluorescent using fluorophore-conjugated antibodies.
Immunofluorescence Microscopy IF 免疫荧光显微镜 Microscopic examination of fluorescently-labeled cells, either grown on or spun onto slides, or tissue preparations.
Immunohistochemistry IHC 免疫组化 Analysis of antibody-labeled tissue preparations, typically frozen or paraffin-embedded.
3D Immunohistochemistry 3D IHC 3D免疫组化 Immunodetection applied to formalin-fixed tissue sections of at least 300 microns in thickness, which are optically cleared by tissue clearing reagent.
Immunohistochemistry - Frozen IHC-F 冷冻免疫组化 Immunodetection applied to frozen tissues (fluorescent or chromogenic imaging)
Immunohistochemistry - Paraffin IHC-P 石蜡免疫组化 Immunodetection applied to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues (fluorescent or chromogenic imaging)
Immunoprecipitation IP 免疫沉淀反应 Precipitation of a target protein from solution using an antibody.
Knockout/Knockdown target confirmation by Western Blot KO/KD-WB 通过免疫印迹靶向敲除/敲低 Antibody specificity validation by Western Blot using lysates derived from Knockout or Knockdown of target gene by CRISPR/Cas9 or siRNA
Live cell imaging Live cell imaging 活细胞成像 Reagents that are applied to and imaged in living cells or tissue explants.
Mass Cytometry CyTOF® 质谱血细胞计数 Single cell analysis of antigen expression using a novel elemental mass-spectrometry detection technology (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer, ICP-MS) that utilizes isotope-labeled antibodies.
Multiplex bead-based assay Multiplex 基于磁珠的多元分析 A flow cytometry based assay in which beads with differing internal levels of fluorescence and size are used to capture specific analytes using a sandwich ELISA type quantification.
Neutralization Neut 中和反应 Neutralization of a soluble factor by an antibody.
Proteogenomics PG 蛋白质基因组学 Antibody oligonucleotide conjugates designed to enable the generation of transcriptomic and proteomic data simultaneously, using single cell devices such as 10x Genomics' Chromium and Illumina sequencers.
Purification Purification 纯化 Process designed to isolate a single type of protein from a complex mixture.
RIA RIA 体外检测技术 A very sensitive in vitro assay technique used to measure concentrations of antigens (for example, hormone levels in the blood) by use of antibodies and radioactive materials.
Spatial Biology SB 空间生物学 Multiomic or multiplexed analysis of tissue samples in their spatial context. The readout can be sequencing-based, fluorescent, or another method to detect conjugated antibodies.
Stimulation Stim 刺激 Induction of a measurable cellular response to external stimuli, such as an antibody.
Western Blotting WB 免疫印迹 Use of gel electrophoresis to separate proteins by size, followed by detection with an antibody.







时间分辨荧光共振能量转移(TR-FRET)是一种强大的技术,常用于分析两个相互作用分子的结合。由于大多数生物反应都涉及至少两个伙伴之间的相互作用,TR-FRET 非常适合研究各种事件,包括许多描述细胞信号通路特征的事件。


荧光偏振(FP)技术测量的是样品中荧光示踪剂发射的光偏振变化,与测量特定波长发射光强度的荧光强度截然不同。FP 广泛用于监测溶液中的分子相互作用,因为它很容易适用于高通量格式和筛选应用。

m6A RNA甲基化在呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染中的作用以及与自噬相关

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)来势汹汹,在幼儿、老人和免疫系统受损者等易感人群中引起严重的呼吸道感染。RNA研究领域的新突破为抗击 RSV 带来了新希望。更多视频请关注视频号【艾维缔】。哔哩哔哩【IVDSHOW】。抖音【军哥聊表观】。


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